We are the advertising agency vielen dank

vielen dank is a small Danish advertising agency. We love graphic design, web design, SEO, databases and automatic catalogue production

Danish design…

We are passionate about design – and graphic design is vielen dank’s strongest core competence by far. Some might call us nerdy, because we happily pore over apparently insignificant typographic details and go to great lengths to achieve the perfect crop. But we are actually proud of it! And of course our customers benefit greatly when having to market themselves in a world that places ever bigger demands on razor-sharp communication across all platforms.

… and German thoroughness

Our considerable experience with graphic workflows means that our customers do not have to worry about technicalities like master pages, paragraph styles, backups and colour spaces – it’s something we do as a matter of course. This is what we mean by our (respectful) allusion to “German thoroughness”. vielen dank also has extensive experience with automatic catalogue production. It gives us a strong hand when having to decide on the best possible solution for an assignment.

Graphic design
and finished artwork

We love design! Graphic design and finished artwork is where vielen dank truly excels – in fact we would even go so far as to call ourselves nerds.

Automatic catalogue production

Automatic preparation of press and print-ready documents in record time. We have considerable experience with EasyCatalog, InData, InCopy and databases.

Web design and
CM systems

vielen dank has long-standing experience at producing websites and online shops – from simple websites to extremely advanced solutions.


vielen dank is Google-certified. We absolutely love Analytics, search optimisation and Adwords, newsletters and social media.


let’s get to know each other!


take a look at some references

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a thankful advertising agency

view the video

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vielen dank